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You are a reporter for a major world newspaper. Write your response as if you were writing a short, high-quality news article for your paper. Limit your response to one paragraph. Use the following article for context: Deploying Go Apps with Kubernetes | The GoLand Blog<iframe src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-5P98" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe>Skip to contentTopicsSearchBurger menu iconIDEsCLionDataGripDataSpellFleetGoLandIntelliJ IDEAPhpStormPyCharmRustRoverRiderRubyMineWebStormPlugins & ServicesBig Data ToolsCode With MeQuality AssuranceJetBrains PlatformScalaToolbox AppWritersideJetBrains AIGrazieTeam ToolsDataloreSpaceTeamCityUpsourceYouTrackHubQodanaCodeCanvas.NET & Visual Studio.NET ToolsReSharper C++Languages & FrameworksKotlinKtorMPSAmperEducation & ResearchJetBrains AcademyResearchCompanyCompany BlogSecurityGoLandA cross-platform Go IDE with extended support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and databasesFollowFollow:TwitterTwitterYoutubeYoutubeRSSRSSslackslackDownloadAllNewsReleasesFeaturesLivestreamsEarly Access ProgramTutorialsTutorialsDeploying Go Apps with KubernetesMukul MantoshWe live in a world where things change at a rapid pace, and the latest and greatest quickly becomes outdated. The same goes for deploying applications to servers. You used to have to physically travel to a data center to deploy your changes. Later on, we moved to VMs. Then containers came along and changed the game again.Containers have been widely adopted by most industries, and one of the most popular containerization tools isDocker. However, as complexity grew, people started looking for orchestration tools that were effective at scale, performed load balancing, self-healed, and more. There were many contenders in the competition, likeApache Mesos,HashiCorp Nomad, andDocker Swarm, but Kubernetes has thrived for a long time due to its robust ecosystem, extensive community support, scalability, and ability to manage complex, distributed applications across multiple environments.Source:drgarcia1986.medium.comKubernetesis an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Originally developed by Google, it is now maintained by theCNCF.Kubernetes is one of the largest open-source projects to date. With over a decade of development, its maturity is undeniable, boasting more than 88,000 contributors. Check out the10 Years of Kubernetesblog post for more insights.In this tutorial, we are going to create a Go application and prepare it to run inside a Kubernetes cluster.Let’s get started!Creating a Go application in GoLandIn this tutorial, we’ll start by creating a basic Go application which performs CRUD operations. We’ll then containerize the application and deploy it to the local Kubernetes cluster using Docker Desktop.You can access the source code used in this tutorialhere.To create your project, launch GoLand and clickNew Project.Provide necessary information such as the project name,GOROOT, and environment variables.Even if you don’t have the Go SDK installed on your system, GoLand will assist you indownloadingthe correct SDK.Then clickCreate.Installing packagesGorilla MuxOnce the project has been created, installGorilla. The Gorilla Mux package is among the most widely used routers. It offers functionalities for route matching, serving static files, supporting middleware and websockets, managing CORS requests, and testing handlers.Installing it from GoLand is simple and straightforward. Just import the package name, and the IDE will prompt you to install it.Alternatively, you can use the default method by accessing the Terminal and executing the following command:go get -u github.com/gorilla/muxGORMGORMis an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) library for Go. It simplifies database interactions by making it easier for developers to work with database records and perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.*NOTE: We will be using thePostgresdriver.To install, run the following command in the Terminal:go get -u gorm.io/gorm go get -u gorm.io/driver/postgresAlternatively, you can also directly mention the package in thego.modfile and GoLand will take care of the installation.NOTE: When you see// indirectnext to a dependency in therequireblock of yourgo.modfile, it indicates that your project does not import this package directly in its code, but some other package that your project imports does.Building core business functionsNow, we have installed the core packages required to build the application. It’s time to start writing the core business logic.DatabaseLet’s begin with the database.Create adatabase.gofile under project root.Let’s break it down step-by-step.In this section we are managing a database client using the GORM library for Postgres.DBClient: This is an interface with two method signatures:Ready(): This function returns a boolean value based on whether the database is ready or not.RunMigration(): This function performs database migrations.Client: This is a concrete typeClientthat implements theDBClientinterface. It contains a singledb *gorm.DBfield which points to agorm.DBinstance.Next, in theReadymethod we perform a RAW SQL query to check database readiness. It will return a boolean response (true or false).UnderRunMigration, we first check whether the database is ready. If successful, we proceed to invoke theAutoMigratemethod provided by GORM to apply migrations to the database schema. As noted in the comment, we need to register the model to run the migration. We haven’t created a model yet, but don’t worry – we’ll get to that shortly.TheNewDBClientfunction constructs a database connection from environment variables, creating aClientthat can be used to interact with the database.The database section is done. Now let’s create our user model.User modelCreate amodel.gofile under the project root.Here you can see theUserstruct with fieldsID,Name,Email, andAge, each annotated with JSON tags for serialization and GORM tags for database constraints, including primary key, uniqueness, and non-null constraints.These tags specify database constraints and behaviors using GORM:gorm:"primaryKey": TheIDfield is the primary key.gorm:"not null": TheNameandEmailfields cannot beNULLin the database.gorm:"unique": TheEmailmust be unique across the database table.Now we need to pass theUsermodel to theAutoMigratefunction which we discussed earlier.ServerWe have implemented the database and the user model, so now it’s time to construct the mux server.Create theserver.goandroutes.gofiles under the project root.We’ll just leave thisroutes.gofile empty for now, and we’ll cover what to do with it in the next section when we start defining HTTP handlers.Let’s break down the ‘server.go’ file step-by-step.TheServerinterface declares two methods:–Start() error: Starts the server and returns any errors that pop up.–routes(): Defines the server routes.TheMuxServerstruct implements theServerinterface.It contains:–gorilla *mux.Router: An instance of Gorilla Mux Router.–Client: An embedded field pointing to a database client.NewServeris a constructor function that creates and initializes aMuxServerinstance.It accepts aClientwhich refers to a database client.A newMuxServeris created with:– A new router frommux.NewRouter().– The provideddbclient.– Theserver.routes()method is called to set up the routes.TheStartmethod takes care of starting up the HTTP server and listening on port 8080.We haven’t defined any HTTP handlers yet, which is why the routes function is currently empty.Let’s take care of that now.HTTP handlersCreate a new file calledcontroller.gounder the project root.Once you’ve created the file, go ahead and openmodel.goand add the following struct:TheUserParamstruct serves as a data transfer object (DTO) specifically for input handling, often seen in web APIs or web forms.Separation of Concerns:TheUserstruct represents the data structure of a user entity in the system, which corresponds directly to the database schema. TheUserParamstruct is used for handling input validation and data transfer, particularly from HTTP requests.Security:You’ll have better control over your data by separating fields into two categories: (1) information received from requests (like user input), and (2) information stored in the database. This gives you control over what data is exposed, enhances security by filtering out sensitive info, and ensures you only transfer necessary data between layers.Let’s go ahead and start implementing the HTTP handlers.Head back into thecontroller.gofile.Let’s break it down step-by-step. We are going to implement the basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations on theUsermodel.Add UserTo create a new user and add it to the database.List UsersTo list all users from the database.Update UserTo update an existing user’s details.Delete UserTo delete an existing user.Now, it’s time to update the routes.In this function, we’ll set up various kinds of routes (GET,POST,PUTandDELETE) to handle requests.Running the applicationWe’re almost done! It’s time to define the entry point of the application where we can initialize the database, run migrations, and start the server.Create a new file calledmain.gounder the project root.As you can see from the code below, we are initializing the database client, running database migration, and starting up the server.Now, it’s time to start the server. Before that, make sure you are running a local instance ofPostgres. I will use Docker to spin up a postgres container.Run the following command in the Terminal:docker run --name goland-k8s-demo -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=********** -d postgresOnce the container is up and running, go ahead and modify theRun Configuration.Add these variables to theEnvironmentfield, as shown in the image below:DB_HOSTDB_USERNAMEDB_PASSWORDDB_NAMEDB_PORTOnce done, apply the changes.Click the play icon to start the application.Once the application is running, navigate tohttp-client | apis.http.You can play around with the REST APIs directly from the IDE itself.Diving into K8sNow that we have developed the entire application, it’s time to deploy the application inside the Kubernetes cluster.The process starts with creating the Dockerfile.DockerfileADockerfileis a text document that contains a set of instructions for building a Docker image. It defines how the image should be constructed, including the base image to use, the files to include, and any commands to run during the build process.Create a new file under project root and name it “Dockerfile”.Simply follow the steps I’ve outlined to build the Docker image. I’ll walk you through it step by step.FROM golang:1.23-alpine AS builderStarts withgolang:1.23-alpineas the base image and labels the stage asbuilder.WORKDIR /appSet the working directory to/app.COPY . .Copies the entire current directory (.) into the/appdirectory.RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -o go_k8sRuns the Go build command to compile the application.CGO_ENABLED=0disablesCGO(CGO enables the creation of Go packages that call C code).GOOS=linuxsets the target OS to Linux.The output binary is namedgo_k8s.FROM gcr.io/distroless/baseUses a minimaldistrolessbase image for the final container, focusing on security by excluding unnecessary components. To learn more about distroless images, checkthisout.WORKDIR /appSets the working directory to/appin the final stage.COPY --from=builder /app/go_k8s .Copies thego_k8sbinary from the/appdirectory of the builder stage into the/appdirectory of the final image.CMD ["./go_k8s"]Sets the command to run when the container starts, which is thego_k8sbinary.The final image is kept as small and secure as possible, containing only the Go application binary without any unnecessary build tools or dependencies.Go ahead and build the Docker image.ClickRun ‘Dockerfile’.Note: Before running, make sure the Docker daemon is running in the background. For this tutorial we are going to be usingDocker Desktop.Once the image is successfully built, push the image to the Docker registry.Right-click the image tag and selectEdit Configuration.Provide the image tag and apply the changes.Note:Before pushing, make sure to change the image tag based on the Docker repository which you have created inDockerHub.The image tag should follow the format<hub-user>/<repo-name>[:<tag>]. Follow the steps to createrepositories.In this example, the tagmukulmantosh/go_k8s:1.0is for demonstration only and may change based on your account type. Here,mukulmantoshrepresents the user, whilego_k8sis the repository name and1.0is the specified tag.Make sure to re-run the build process.You can see that the image tag has been applied.It’s time to push the image.Right-click on the image tag, then selectPush Image.ClickAddand provide your Docker registry information.Once successfully authenticated, clickOKto push the image.Once the image is successfully pushed, you can observe the changes in DockerHub.Well, the image is built and pushed. Now it’s time to work on the second part – writing the Kubernetes YAML files.Writing K8s manifestsThis part of the tutorial covers how to deploy applications to local Kubernetes clusters.In this tutorial, we have utilized Docker Desktop, though you can also opt forMinikubeorKind.If you’ve chosen Docker Desktop as your preferred platform for running Kubernetes, be sure to enable Kubernetes in the settings by clicking theEnable Kubernetescheckbox.Once Kubernetes is up and running, it’s time to create a namespace.What is a namespace?In Kubernetes, anamespaceis a logical partitioning of the cluster that allows you to divide resources and organize them into groups. Namespaces enable multiple teams or projects to share the same cluster while maintaining isolation and avoiding naming conflicts.Source:belowthemalt.comBegin by creating a directory calledk8sin the root of your project.Next, create a new file and name itns.yaml.NOTE: A Kubernetes manifest is typically written in YAML or JSON format and outlines various parameters for the resource, including its type, metadata, and specifications.This YAML file would create a namespace namedgo-k8s-demoin your Kubernetes cluster.Let’s break it down.apiVersion: v1: This specifies the API version of the Kubernetes resource. In this case, v1 indicates that the resource is using version 1 of the Kubernetes API.kind: Namespace: This indicates the type of Kubernetes resource being defined. It can be Deployment, Service, etc.metadata: This section holds metadata about the Kubernetes resource. Metadata usually includes details like the name, labels, and annotations.If you type the following command in the Terminal, it will show you lists of the API resources available in the Kubernetes cluster.kubectl api-resourcesOkay – you’ve created the YAML file. Now it’s time to execute it.There are two ways you can create a namespace:If you prefer using the Terminal, you can run this command:kubectl create ns go-k8s-demoOr, you can apply a file by running this command:cd k8s kubectl apply -f ns.yamlBoth methods will create the same namespace.Creating a namespace with GoLandYou also have the option of doing this in GoLand. Yes, you read that right, you can play with your Kubernetesclustersdirectly from the GoLand IDE.As a side note, if you’re using GoLand 2024.2 or later, the Kubernetes plugin is already bundled with the IDE, so you don’t need to install it separately.Open theServicetool windowby going toView | Tool Windows | Services.Right-click onKubernetes | Add Clusters | From Default Directory.Selectdocker-desktopand clickAdd Clusters.You will see docker-desktop as your newly added cluster. Click the play icon to connect to it.Return to the YAML file and hover over the top right corner of the screen and clickApply to Clusterto set your cluster to docker-desktop.Once done, apply the changes.The namespace is successfully created.We will now switch to the newly created namespace to easily view the applications running within it.You might be asking, “This works with a local cluster, but what about connecting to an external one?” Good news! You can do that as well.You can also modify the paths for the kubectl and helm executables. Additionally, you have the option to customize Kubernetes configuration files at either the global or projectlevel.Database and K8sThe namespace has been created. Now let’s start working on the database.PersistentVolumeWe are going to create apersistent volume. A PersistentVolume (PV) in Kubernetes provides storage for your application’s pods. Think of it as a storage space that exists independently of any specific application.Unlike regular storage that disappears when an application stops, a PersistentVolume retains the data, making it suitable for applications that need to save files or databases.Create a new folder calleddbin the project root, and then add a new file namedpv.yamlinside it.This YAML configuration defines aPersistentVolumenamedpostgres-pvwith 1 GB of storage. It is associated with thepostgresapplication and can be accessed as read-write by one node at a time. The volume is stored locally on the host at the path/data/db.PersistentVolumeClaimCreate a new file calledpvc.yamlunderdb.APersistentVolumeClaim(PVC) in Kubernetes is a request for storage by a user or application. It allows you to specify how much storage you need and what characteristics it should have, such as access modes (like read/write).In this YAML configuration we are creating a PVC in thego-k8s-demonamespace requesting 1 GiB of storage with aReadWriteOnceaccess mode using themanualstorage class.ConfigMapCreate a new filecm.yamlunderdb.AConfigMapin Kubernetes is a resource used to store configuration data in a key-value format. It allows you to separate configuration from application code, making it easier to manage and modify settings without needing to rebuild your application.DeploymentADeploymentin Kubernetes is a resource used to manage and orchestrate the deployment of applications. It allows you to define how many instances of your application (called Pods) you want to run, and it ensures that they are running as expected.Create a new filedeploy.yamlunderdb.This YAML file defines a deployment of a single PostgreSQL container running version 17.0, which exposes port 5432 and runs only one instance. It loads environment variables from aConfigMapand uses aPersistentVolumeto store data.ServiceAServicein Kubernetes is an abstraction that defines a logical set of pods and a way to access them. It provides a stable endpoint for your applications, making it easier to communicate with groups of pods.Source:kubernetes.ioCreate a new filesvc.yamlunderdb.In this YAML file we have defined a Kubernetes Service namedpostgres-service. The Service exposes port 5432 and routes traffic to the pods labeled withapp: postgres-db, so it will allow other applications within the cluster to connect to the database.Launching DBWe now have all of the configuration files needed to start the database. Let’s execute them.There are two methods to do this.First, open the Terminal, navigate to thedbdirectory, and run the following command:cd db kubectl apply -f .To see the current status of your pods, you can run the following command:kubectl get pods -n go-k8s-demoThe second option is quite easy with GoLand. You don’t need to remember the commands – just the follow along with the video below:Application and K8sNow that the database is up and running, it’s time to prepare our backend application.Begin by creating anappfolder inside thek8sdirectory.ConfigMapCreate a new file calledcm.yamlunderapp.Enter the required database credentials.NOTE:Grab the credentials fromdb/cm.yamlthat you defined earlier when creating the database pod.postgres-serviceunderDB_HOSTrefers to thedb/svc.yamlservice we created earlier.DeploymentNow let’s move on to the deployment.Create a new file calleddeploy.yamlunderapp.In this YAML file we define a Kubernetes deployment that runs a single replica of a pod, which contains a single container using themukulmantosh/go_k8s:1.0image. The container exposes port 8080 and gets its environment variables from aConfigMapnamedapp-cm.ServiceNow let’s wrap up the last file.Create a file calledsvc.yamlunderapp.To summarize, we set up a service namedapp-servicethat allows external traffic to reach your application running in the cluster through port 30004. Requests received here are forwarded to port 8080 on the application pods.TestingNow let’s deploy our application and start testing it out.The process is going to be exactly the same as what we did for the database.Navigate to theappdirectory and run the following command:cd app kubectl apply -f .Alternatively, you can do this in GoLand, which is quite easy and straightforward.You can also check the status of your application by running the following command:kubectl get pods -n go-k8s-demoLet’s test out the application by sending an HTTP request.The application works!This was just a brief demonstration of how to use Kubernetes with Go, but there are many more possibilities toexplore.ReferencesIf you already have a strong grasp of Kubernetes and want to learn how to deploy in a live cluster, take a look at mytutorialon deploying Go apps in Google Kubernetes Engine.GoGoLandkubernetesShareFacebookTwitterLinkedinPrev postGoLand 2024.3 Is Out!Subscribe to GoLang Blog updatesSubscribe formBy submitting this form, I agree to the JetBrainsPrivacy PolicyNotification iconBy submitting this form, I agree that JetBrains s.r.o. 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Why Not?In this article, you'll learn why languages like C have a stronghold over OS development and whether writing an OS using Go is possible.Sergey KozlovskiyComparing database/sql, GORM, sqlx, and sqlcThis article compares the database/sql package with 3 other Go packages, namely: sqlx, sqlc, and GORM. The comparison focuses on 3 key areas – features, ease of use, and performance.Sergey KozlovskiyPrivacy & SecurityTerms of UseLegalGenuine toolsTwitterFacebookLinkedinInstagramYoutubeRSSTiktokMerchandise store iconMerchandise storeCopyright © 2000 JetBrains s.r.o.
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What are the differences and similarities between go, python, and kotlin
Go, Python, and Kotlin are three distinct programming languages, each with unique characteristics and purposes. **Similarities:** - All three are high-level languages, conducive to building applications rapidly. - They support object-oriented programming and are designed to be simple and easy to read. - Each has a robust community which means abundant libraries, frameworks, and resources for development. **Differences:** - **Go:** Known for its concurrency features, Go is often used for cloud services, server-side applications, and Kubernetes-related projects. It’s statically typed, compiled, and designed for simplicity and efficiency, especially suitable for performance-critical applications. - **Python:** An interpreted language praised for its versatility and ease of use, Python is widely used in web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and scientific computing. Its extensive libraries make it ideal for rapid application development. - **Kotlin:** Often used for Android development, Kotlin is statically typed and integrates well with Java, offering modern features that enhance safety and developer productivity. It’s designed to be more concise and safer, with features like null safety and type inference. These differences and similarities define the areas where each language excels and the potential they offer in terms of application design and development.